Health Benefits of Broccoli

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli is a green vegetable. It resembles a miniature tree. It belongs to the Brassica ORACEA species. It is closely related to the kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. They all are edible plants and they referred to as the cruciferous vegetables.

There are tree types of broccoli.

  • Calabrese Broccoli
  • Sprouting Broccoli
  • Purple Cauliflower

Broccoli is a powerful nutrient which is full of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fibre. It is a branched green vegetable with either green flower buds or purple flower buds. It belongs to the family of Brassica along with kale, cabbage, cauliflower. It can be eaten cooked or raw. Broccoli has its origins in the wild mustard plants. Over time, it was bred by farmers to be the crunchy green vegetable which we are knows today. It is loaded with several healthy nutrients. In U.S., the most common type of the veggie us Italian green broccoli which is called Calabrese. Broccoli present in different varieties in stores, but grocers cells all different varieties under the single name broccoli. Broccoli is known as tasty and hearty vegetable. It is rich in dozens of nutrients. It can be categorized as green plant, coming from the cabbage family.

  • Etymology of Broccoli

The tern broccoli comes from the Italian word, which is the plural of broccolo. It means “Flowering crest of cabbage”. It is the form of brocco, which means sprout or small nail.

  • Origin of Broccoli

Broccoli is belonging to the species of Brassica Oleracea. Which is the variety of italica? Italica is the form of cabbage. It is originated in wild mustard plant which is called Brassicaceae. It is grown for its edible stalk and flower buds. It was native to the Asia Minor and Eastern Mediterranean. In ancient Roman times, sprouting broccoli was cultivated in Italy. In the 1700s, it was introduced to America and England.

  • History of Broccoli

Starting in about 6th century BCE, in the Northern Mediterranean, broccoli is resulted from the breeding of landrace Brassica crops. In primitive cultivators, its origin grown in Roman Empire. In Sicily and in Southern Italian, it was most likely improved through artificial selection. By the 18th century, it was spread to Northern Europe. In the 19th century, it was brought to North America bye Italian immigrants. Breeding of Japanese F1 and U.S hybrids increased growth speed, quality, yields and regional adaptation after the Second World War, which produced the cultivators. Packman, Premium Crop and Marathon have been the most popular since then.

  • Nutritional Information of Broccoli

Broccoli plays an important role in our health. It contains various nutrients. One cup of raw broccoli contains following nutrients.

  • 4g Fibre
  • 6g Protein
  • 6g Carbohydrates
  • 2g Fat
  • 11% of RDI Vitamin A
  • 134% of the RDI Vitamin C
  • 115% of the RDI Vitamin K
  • 13% of the RDI Vitamin B9 or Folate
  • 3% of RDI Selenium
  • 6% of RDI Phosphorus
  • 8% of RDI Potassium
  • Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli has many health benefits which are described below in a detailed manner.

1.     Good for Heart Health

Broccoli is good for heart health. A study was conducted by Nutrition Researcher, in which researcher found that regularly consume the steamed broccoli can reduce the total amount of the cholesterol level and also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease in the body.

A US study also showed that, increasing the brassica vegetable in diet such as broccoli may reduce the risk of the heart disease.

  1. Contains Cancer Protective Compounds

There is evidence which showed that healthy diet can reduce the risk of the cancer. Broccoli is the healthy vegetable. Phytochemical such as Sulforaphane is a key component of broccoli which is also responsible for slightly bitter taste for broccoli. Researches shows that Sulforaphane play an important part in enhancing detoxification of airborne toxins which include cigarette smoke and it may also help to reduce the risk of the cancer. Further researches also suggested that broccoli may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and also have the anti-cancer properties. Sprouts broccoli are more concentrated source of cancer-fighting compounds.

  1. Good for Eye Health

Broccoli is good for our eye health. It contains zeaxanthin, carotenoids and lutein which were linked to the decreased risk of age-related eye disorder which include macular and cataract degeneration.  It also contains beta-carotene which converts to vitamin A by the human body. It is a deficient of which is linked with night blindness.

4.     May Support Hormonal Balance

Broccoli may support hormonal balance. It contains (I3C) indole-3-carbinolcompound which acts as the plant estrogenic. By regulating estrogen’s levels, it also may help to balance the hormones. I3C has shown the means of lessen down the risk of the estrogen’s induced reproductive and breast cancers in both women and men. More studies are needed in this area of study. Brassicas such as broccoli has to appear to influence the oestrogen metabolism which is shifting potentially to favorable composition.

  1. May Support the Immune System

Broccoli may support the immune system. It is rich in Sulphur which supports the gut health. It improves defense against infection. It is said that Sulphur supports the production of the glutathione. Glutathione is important for supporting the gut lining as well as maintaining the integrity of gut lining. Glutathione works as a potent antioxidant from inflammatory damage throughout the body protecting cells.


To sum up, it can be concluded that, broccoli has many health benefits. Broccoli has much Vitamin C as orange has. Our body needs this antioxidant to protect our cells from damage. It also promotes healing throughout our body. It can also conclude that, broccoli is rich in minerals and vitamins such as calcium. It contains several nutrients which play an important role to prevent our body from various chronic diseases. It does not only beneficial for chronic disease but also beneficial for our skin and eyes. That is why it is said that broccoli has many beneficial effects for our body.



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