Health Benefits of Asparagus


Health Benefits of Asparagus

Asparagus is a vegetable. It is the member of lily family. This vegetable comes in a variety of colours such as green, purple and white. Around the world, including stir-fries, frittatas and pastas, it is also used in dishes. It is packed with essential minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. It is also low in calories. It can help to fight against cancer. It can help us to slim down as well as it if good for our brain.

Asparagus is packed with minerals and it is a spring vegetable. When we buy asparagus, we should eat it right away even we buy it from farmer’s market or even we buy it from grocery stores. It nicely pairs with lot of other springvegetables. Its flavours think peas, new potatoes and garlic. Throughout the world, asparagus now widely cultivated. In 24 hour period, it spears grow 10 inches, in sandysoils from a crown planted, under ideal conditions.The common type of asparagus is green. But we can also see two others types (white and purple) of asparagus in restaurants and supermarkets. Purple asparagus is fruitier and smaller, whereas white asparagus is difficult to harvest and more delicate.

Asparagus is giant veggie which is most nutritionally vegetable. It is good source OD vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, fibre, potassium and thiamine. It is also high in folic acid. We can enjoy veggiewith minimal preparation or raw, which Romans seemed to appreciate. Romans said that asparagus is something which could be made rapidly. For something done rapidly, they said that “As quick as cooking asparagus”.

  • Etymology of Asparagus

Asparagus is an English word. It derives from classical Latin. From the Medieval Latin sparagus, the plant was known in English language as Sperage. This term it derived from Greek word, Asparagos as well as Aspharagos. But Greek terms are uncertain provenance.


  • Origin of Asparagus

This regal vegetable and garden plant originated 2000 years ago, in the Eastern Mediterranean countries. The traces of wild varieties of asparagus have discovered in Africa. Asparagus was cultivated in Egypt. Asparagus brought back to Europe, returning from Orient Caesar’s legions.

  • History of Asparagus

It is believed that, asparagus is native to the Asia Minor and eastern Mediterranean lands. Today, it grows commonly wild over much of that country. It is also in the Europe, Trans-Caucasus and also in many places in US. In United States, it has escaped from cultivation.

Throughout the world, asparagus now widely cultivated. In 24 hour period, it spears grow 10 inches, in sandy soils from a crown planted, under ideal conditions.

  • Nutritional Information of Asparagus

Asparagus has many nutrients, which are very beneficial for our health. Half cup of Asparagus contains following nutrients:

  • 6g Fibre
  • 2g Protein
  • 1g Fat
  • 20 Calories
  • 16% of RDI Vitamin A
  • 11% of RDI Vitamin C
  • 55% of RDI Vitamin K
  • 7% of RDI Vitamin E
  • 4% of RDI Phosphorus
  • 33% of RDI Folate
  • 6% of RDI Potassium


  • Health Benefits of Asparagus

Asparagus is giant veggie which is most nutritionally vegetable. It has many health benefits. It has very beneficial for our health. Health benefits of asparagus are described in detailed manner.

  1. Loaded with Nutrients

Asparagus is loaded with nutrients. It is a nutrient packed vegetable. It is very good source of vitamin A, Vitamin, E, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folate, fibre as well as chromium (a mineral that enhance the ability of insulin to carry our glucoses from bloodstream into cells. Addition to the all those vitamins, presented in asparagus, 1 cup cooked asparagus contain 40 calories, 402mg potassium, 4 grams fibre and 4 grams protein.

  1. Help Fight Cancer

Asparagus play an important role to fight cancer. It is an herbaceous plant. It is a great source of glutathione, which is a detoxifyingcompound, help to break down harmful compounds such as free radicals as well as help to break down carcinogens. That is why it is said that, asparagus may help to protect against cancer of different forms which include, breast, larynx, bone, colon and lung cancers.

  1. Packed With Antioxidants

Asparagus is packed with antioxidants. It is one of the top ranked vegetables and fruits which have the ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. This may help to reduce the inflammation as well as it also helps to slow done the aging process. That is why it is called packed with antioxidants.

  1. ABrain Booster

Asparagus is called a brain booster for human being. It has anti-aging properties. This delicious spring veggie may help our brain to fright cognitive decline. Asparagus delivers folate like leafy greens, which works with vitamin B12. Which is found in poultry, fish, dairy and meat, may help to prevent from cognitive impairment?

  1. Natural Diuretic

Asparagus is a natural diuretic. It contains high level of amino acid called asparagine. Asparagine increased urination, helps body to get rid of body excess salts and not only release fluids. It is also serves an s a natural diuretic. Asparagus is very beneficial for those people who are suffering from edema, which is an accumulation of fluids in tissues of body. It is not only beneficial for people suffering from edema, but also very beneficial for those who have heart related disease as well as have high blood pressure.


To sum up, it can be concluded that, asparagus is very beneficial for our health. It is low in calories. It is a great source of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. It is also a great source of fibre and folate. It is also concluded that, it may helps to lower down the blood pressure, improved our digestion, healthy pregnancy outcomes as well as beneficial for weight loss. That is why it is said that, asparagus is very beneficial for human health because it is packed with nutrients, packed with antioxidants and also a natural diuretic and a brain booster

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