How to earn money on YouTube

How to earn money on YouTube

How to earn money on YouTube


YouTube is a platform of video marketing and video displaying. It is a place where allot of people share their videos on different topics. In short YouTube is a video sharing platform. As we know that this platform of video sharing is words number 1 place of video sharing. It was the first ever successful earning website in term of video marketing. The YouTube application is available on play store for Android and Appstore for Apple devices. The browser link of YouTube is from where you can access the browser version of YouTube. Another app of YouTube which is recent launched is known as YouTube kids. It is available both on browser as well as on the play store and Appstore. All the videos related to kids are automatically detected by the YouTube algorithm and are shifted to the YouTube kids. The YouTube has brought a wonderful revolution in video sharing and video marketing. A lot of people now a day’s works on YouTube as a full time job. They can earn a handsome amount from YouTube monthly. Which means that we can also take YouTube and video marketing as a permanent job which can give us a good output?

The YouTube is the second most will visit website all over the world. The YouTube was officially launched in 2005 which is basically a video sharing platform in which the content creators post their video content which is seen by the public from different countries of the world. The YouTube is owned by Google itself and headquarter of YouTube is in California United States. The company which monetizes the YouTube platform is Google Adsense. The basic reason of writing this article is too able and educates the people about earning opportunities on YouTube. People are running thousands of dollars from YouTube in modern era.

How to earn money from YouTube:

We have divided this article into multiple steps in order to explain the method of earning dollars from YouTube in a proper organized way:

Step 1:

The first step before going on YouTube platform knows what to present before your audience in your videos which you are going to post on your YouTube channel. First of all see what skills you are having in yourself which you can give to your viewers on YouTube. Select the niche in which you will make the videos. Let’s suppose you have selected health and fitness niche in which you are going to make videos and post on YouTube. Here your first step of YouTube earning course ends.

Step 2:

After selecting the niche in which you are going to work and creating the content the second step is to find and collect data in order to make your content attractive and eye catching so that the viewers will positively attract toward your content which will help you to increase your reach and views on the videos. You have to work hard to collect the data and create a video over it.

Step 3:

The third step is to buy the basic accessories which will help you to create a quality video. Is basically depends upon the type of videos you want to make. If you want to make simple videos on health and fitness you need camera (mobile phone with good camera resolution), tripod stand to adjust phone or camera, a mic, a background green screen to increase video quality. This is the basic YouTube video creation setup for tutorial videos.

Step 4:

The fourth step which I considered in the YouTube earning course is taking the proper training of video marketing and video editing with an additional thing card graphic designing. The graphic designing skills will help you to design the thumbnails of videos and designing the banners for the advertisement of your videos. So it is very important here to you know the basics of video editing and graphic designing which will help you to improve your video quality e and attractiveness of the content.

Step 5:

After taking the training and completing the basic accessories you are ready to go with YouTube. Now you have to collect data for your video create the video edited and post it on YouTube. You have to work consistently on YouTube and create videos consistently in order to reach more viewers.

Here a question arise that what is the procedure that YouTube follows to pay the content creator?

The YouTube has set criteria according to which you tubers and content creators are being paid. The basic requirement of YouTube to activate the monetization on your YouTube channel is having 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours on your channel. After completing the required subscribers and watch hours you are now eligible to monetize your channel by applying to Google AdSense.

Google AdSense:

The Google AdSense is a platform that YouTube uses to monetize the channels present on the YouTube platform. It is basically an advertising company which runs advertisement on the channels and videos of content creators and in return pay them in the form of dollars. The rate of Google AdSense is different for different countries. The ad rate of European countries i.e. United States, Canada, United kingdom etc. is far more than the Asian countries such as India Pakistan Sri Lanka Afghanistan Bangladesh etc.

YouTube policy:

The YouTube has several policies according to which it runs its platform. You cannot use the video of any other creator on your channel if you use copyrighted content the YouTube service center will send you a copyright strike. After three consecutive copyright strikes your channel will be demonetized and sometime will be deleted by YouTube. So you should be e careful while coming on the YouTube platform and must read the terms and conditions as well as privacy policies of YouTube.

How much YouTube pay for 1000 video views?

Many people ask that how much money did the YouTube pay to us if we get one thousand views on our YouTube video so its answer is quite complicated because the ad rate for every country is different and the YouTube pay accordingly. So it is not confirm that how much YouTube will pay you for getting 1000 views but averagely we can say that YouTube pay 1.5$ per 1000 views on YouTube.


YouTube is a video marketing platform in which you can create video content, monetize your YouTube channel by gaining 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours. Then you can create the videos consistently on your channel and gain more and more views and after the approval from Google Adsense you will start getting money from the Google AdSense on every view on your YouTube video. You should read the terms and condition and privacy policies of YouTube before starting YouTube marketing.

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